Development Foundation of Alberta

Nyarkenyi Development Foundation

Supporting locally × Crafted globally

Nyarkenyi Development Foundation of Alberta (NDFA) is a non-profit organization registered under the Society Act of Alberta. Since its inception in 2010, the organization has been serving immigrants and the refugee community in Edmonton. NDFA works with community members from diverse backgrounds to create community-based initiatives that address issues of health, athleticism, and well-being. It fosters collaboration to develop a shared vision and implement plans of action.


Our goal is to foster local and global community participation to enhance skills development in primary, secondary, and university education, as well as in business and agriculture.

NDFA - Background And The Probelem

The idea of creating NDFA emerged in 2008 when a group of individuals from the Bari tribes came together to discuss how they could strengthen community groups and increase public participation in defining and solving issues facing the community. These discussions led to the development of a participatory process that enabled South Sudanese-Canadian citizens and communities of Central McDougall, Queen Mary Park, and Northeast Edmonton to voice their views and concerns about activities for children, youths, adults, and seniors. The group also came up with ideas to help their original country, South Sudan, and elsewhere in Africa by providing support to build new schools, healthcare centers, clean water initiatives, community centers, agriculture initiatives, and support for small business development (cooperative businesses). From these endeavors, NDFA was formed and has continued to develop and evolve. The name Nyarkenyi came from a homeland village in South Sudan (Lado County). NDFA was incorporated on May 17, 2010, and has targeted the greater Edmonton population since 2011.

The Nyarkenyi objective is “to improve citizens’ lives and the communities in which they live through the provision of public education and other initiatives to enable individuals to enhance their lives.”


1-  Goverment of Canada ( Canada Summer Jobs)
2-  Government of Alberta
3 –  ECALA
4 –  City of Edmonton


Your help is Urgently needed

our donation is completely transformative. Your gift helps vulnerable people, including South Sudanese around the world who are in desperate situations. Your donation today will ease the suffering of millions by providing:

  1. Food distributed through collective kitchens, meal delivery, and food box programs.
  2. Medical assistance, including prescription programs, support for doctor visits, and in-home medical care.
  3. Support for the elderly, including food, medicine, and home care workers.
  4. Emergency relief in the form of clothing, food, and medical care.
  5. Sponsorship support for new Canadians.
  6. Scholarships for elementary, junior high school, and university students. Also, support for teachers by paying their salaries and providing training.




OST Registration


-Thank you

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED. Please send us an email (nyarkenyidfalberta@gmail.com) so we can put your child(ren) on the waitlist.