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The NDFA East Africa Arts and Drama (EAAD) Project aims to offer exciting opportunities for South Sudanese youths to explore both traditional and contemporary South Sudanese cultural creative arts. The project will be led by local community animators in collaboration with elders who are accomplished artists in their own right from the South Sudanese community. It is designed especially for South Sudanese youths.

The NDFA-EAAD Project will provide South Sudanese youths with a space to explore their cultural style while learning about the fundamentals of traditional South Sudanese creative arts from local artists who are also South Sudanese elders. These elders are entrusted with sacred ancestral knowledge and wisdom. This collaboration between artists/elders and participants will allow youths to deepen their understanding of traditional South Sudanese creative art forms and transform them into modern expressions through their own self-discovery and Canadian experiences. This will enhance community integration and inclusion within the ELIP arts community.

Participants will engage in an experiential forum with activities such as dance, music, dramatic choreography, and ceremonial dress. The project sessions will conclude with a public performance showcasing the new, evolved creative art forms created by participants (dance, music, ceremonial dress, and dramatic choreography) to the greater Edmonton community.

Signup your children or youth and give them a wonderful experience this summer by contacting us here.